From Alexandra’s experience and understanding of people with dyslexia, she is aware of the myriad strengths and weaknesses that people with learning disabilities have. Building on this, Alexandra is interested in the emotional components that come with having dyslexia, and how without attention to one’s feelings, emotional wounds become deeply suppressed. She feels that through guidance and self-awareness, individuals can become more in-touch with their emotions, thus gaining awareness of the effects had on their self-esteem. Alexandra’s art practice focuses on creating engagement, community, and public awareness about and among people who learn differently, through a variety of media.
The points of access through her work are intended to have the general public, as well as dyslexics, become informed and aware about the learning disability, with the goal of being to share openly about dyslexia. She aims to bring awareness, with civic responsibility, to the emotional effects of having dyslexia in our society and to re-position the overvaluing of written language-based intellect in our society. Through community building on a public scale, she seeks to break the stigmas and negative psychological effects that currently exist in our society.
Alexandra received her bachelor’s degree in Art from the University of California, Los Angeles and her Masters of Fine Art in Public Practice at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles.
Alexandra currently lives in Bellingham, Washington with her family.